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Lagi-lagi Hindey (mozaik cinta#5)

"Guys, jng lupa yah nanti malam ada film bollywood 'Dilto Pagel Hai' di MNC TV at 10pm"

Kira2 itulah tweet saya pagi ini,haha. Pasti ini karena kerjaannya Dita (adek kosan yg suka dengerin mp3 saya dikamar mandi) haha..

Lain lagi dengan Ika (sahabat saya), "Ah cin pokoknya negara yg gw hindari untuk backpack adalah india,kotor katanya, walaupun gw tahu impian geblek lo!"

Aku hanya mengangguk. Baiklah, its mine, I dont care other people like or no! Haha,its only one of the 'crazy' dream, right? As long as I dont need to pay for every single my dream that I have made I'll continue and try to make it comes true.haha..

Alright, I couldnt imagine how lucky I am. I just got new student and she is indian. Her family is definitely indian, even though she told me that she is half indo because she was born in Bekasi and she loves indo much, she knows indo more than indi.haha..but her family and her are definitely indian her apartment is totally indi design and many indian stuffs exist there.haha

I wouldn't say that I loved hindey most, because I loved hollywood as well. But I definitely dont know why do I remember many hindey songs?haha.. That's probably because I have about 6 hindey songs on my bb. I dont care at all but some my boarding home friends think that I do love hindey.hahaha..

Again hindey, I have a 'crazy' experience when I was in Pakistan last year. I and Ika came to Pakistan for attending IYCF (International Student Conference and Festival), it held in Islamabad. I was about 5days there. But to be honest I dont wanna talk about IYCF content but I wanna share something crazy after that event done. It made me proud that I knew hindey songs. Yupp, actually Pakistan and India are the countries close each other,definitely neighbor countries. Pakistan and India have almost similar culture, tradition, food, and also songs. Pakistani could understand hindey songs, even they have their own language 'Urdhu', yup they speak Urdhu, but they do understand Indian.

Haha, "Dilto pagel hai, dilti bana hai..bla bla.."
"Humko hamise curalo, bla..bla..
Yeay, we were sing together, I was definitely 'expert' haha.. Not really, but at the time I was singing together with pakistani, yup some of hindey songs.."

 Saya bernyanyi lagu India bersama anak-anak Pakistan dan pemuda lain dari berbagai negara.. We loved Hindey's songs.. :)

Ika : "Geblek lo cin! Haha.." Tapi dia bilang2 sama org2 klo gw bisa nyanyi dan nari hindey. Kena deh gw! Haha..bernyanyi bersama pakistani dan anak2 delegasi dr negara lain.

Dan kami (aku, ika, dan teh histor) menjadi delegasi terbaik. Best delegate of IYCF 2010, ceunah..awesome, nice, great, incredible, naon wae anu bagus2 mampir ka kami sadaya.haha.. We did our best! #halah, bilang ajah paling rame dan gak ngebosenin,paling eksis biar terkenal.wkwwkk..

Saya, Histor, dan Ika jadi delegasi terbaik IYCF 2010, Islamabad - Pakistan :)
Sebagai duta bangsa kecil-kecilan sudah seharusnyalah kami berbuat untuk bangsa..

Yupp, kali ini saya bersyukur, knp? Karena temen2 pakistani surprised dan kaget banged karena saya bisa nyanyi hindey. 'How did u learn those, Fik?' Gak tahu ajah klo zaman SD dicekokin film2 hindey sma station tv indo.wkwk.. Mereka sangat menghargai saya yg mau belajar kebudayaan 'mereka' mereka bangga dan gmn gitu, 'gimana gitu' pas kami nyanyi khususnya Dilto Paget Hai dan Kuch Kuch Hota Hai.wkwwk.. #geblek..
Tapi jujur saya jadi ingin terus mempelajari bahasa dan budaya beragam diluar sana. To see the world! Untuk tahu apa yg ada dibelahan bumi sana!

Walaupun Ika gak mau diajak backpack ke Hindey, tp impian 'geblek' saya masih tertanam sempurna, smga bisa ke hindey suatu hari nanti. Aamiin. :D

"Mimpikan saja apapun yg ingin kau raih, kau capai, kau tuju! Mimpikan saja negara manapun, kota dan tempat apapun yg ingin kau datangi, sejauh apapun itu, semahal apapun. Selama hayat masih dikandung badan, selama kaki masih berpijak diatas bumi, tidak yg tidak mungkin! Let's Pack, Let's Go..!!" -FikriyahWinata,2011..#Gaya!

Then, Kuch kuch hota hai.. U know the meaning?
Kuch kuch means something, sesuatu..
Hota hai means happen, terjadi..
Yupp, ada sesuatu yg terjadi. Klo dibahasa percintaan. Ada sesuatu yg terjadi didiri ini yg entah apa aku tak mengerti.. #jijay!

Okay, anything happens, semoga ada kaitanya.. Apa lagi dengan ajakan dinner malam itu, makan Bal (makanan khas hindey) padahal jam 10 ada Dilto Pagel Hai. Semoga keburu sampe kosan! Haha..
Then, sayapun tertidur karena lelah, padahal dilto pagel hai baru 3 lagu.. :( hahaha..

Well, belajar kebudayaan orang tidak akan ada ruginya kok!:)

Tol Jakarta - BSD 05.33pm
Sept 17, 2011
Pyar rike si hota hai..


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