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Toraja Funeral, people can see your social stage from this moment..

I would say that I was really curious to know more about this moment, yes definitely Toraja Funeral. It has been three couple months from the first time when  I came here in Toraja which it splits to two districts, Tana Toraja and North Toraja Districts.  There are some differences between Tana Toraja and North Toraja, even thought this area was one district as Tana Toraja District. It spat about last 2009s. 

Last three couple days I was seeing the funeral. It was scary for me due to many of buffaloes dead and people looked like happy to do it. I was wondering when some people were killing the buffaloes. They were pretty much laughing and saying “Hey the buffalo come here, don’t go anywhere after he killed a poor buffalo and the buffalo was much angry to him. They killed the buffaloes were so wicked and cruel, I thought that it would make the buffalo so scare. But again it was because the ‘adat’ rules. They had to kill the buffalo like that no excusing or bargaining anymore.

 It was Funeral situation

Alright, today I just came Rante Uma and talked with Pak Yohanes and  also would stay for next five day during my research in Sapan sub-district which is Rante Uma rural village as my geomer (research area). I talked and asked him many questions about the toraja funeral, the buffaloes, and also the ‘tongkonan house’.

I was wondering and thinking that Toraja people were really rich. They could make amazing and big ‘pesta’ (toraja people called the funeral as ‘pesta’ ) which It costs a much money. If you count average 30 millions RP for one normal buffalo (why did I say normal buffalo? because for ‘amazing’ buffalo, it costs probably more than 200 millions RP). Amazing buffalo means the buffalo has pretty much different with other buffalos which it has spot kinda white spot at the head, body, or leg. Can you imagine that buffalo? the buffalo looks like a cow but pretty much different as well. Also if the buffalo has long horn, it must be expensive as well. 

 Many buffaloes killed

Alright, why do they do the funeral? Is it important? and how does the buffalo become the necessary important for Toraja people?  Yup, those are my question. I was thinking and confusing. For me, it kinda prodigal, you know? prodigal means spending much money for something that’s un-necessary important. Its for me right?haha, if I have a lot money like toraja people, of course I will spend my money for studying, Umrah, travelling, and see the real world.haha,its me! and im definitely not toraja people right? 

Alright back to the funeral, funeral is one of the biggest and the most important moment for toraja people, from this moment they could meet the whole big family, their family will come and get together, the funeral also as a sacrifice for their parent either mother or father t who have already dead. Usually the pesta not only one family but also they would make the pesta together with the big family, for example if my mother dead I and my sister or brother make the pesta for my mother but probably my cousins also make the pesta for their parent, so we would make the pesta mixed. So the pesta would be big pesta. The problem is, I was thinking is it problem or not, probably most of torajan say that its not the problem but it’s a kind of ‘gotong royong’ (work together for the same vision). Yes, also some of our family come and bring the buffaloes for our pesta, but we have to give back the buffalos if their parent dead and they would make the pesta as well. They don’t wanna say that it’s a kind of debt, because for them its pretty much sacrifice, I was confusing again. They bring the buffalo for our parent pesta and we must give the buffaloes back but they would not say it’s a debt. Alright, for me it’s a debt! definitely debt right because our children must give back, if our children can not give back the buffaloes our grand children must, and next next.. seems like inheritance, Yes ‘debt inheritance’..

Alright, I was asking that : “why do torajan think that pesta as the most important thing for their life?”
Yes, because from the pesta other people can see our social stage. What? Oh my goodness, they want that people see their properties, they want that other people know their social level, they social life, how rich they are. I was definitely wondering. Well, honestly I saw that their home, their social life, what they eat everyday, their education, their facilities. Those are definitely not good enough, I mean I have much better even though I got those by my own self. I was definitely wondering, why did they create a biggest funeral but they children’s education is not good, they never eat good and health food (4 health, 5 perfect), they don’t have good facilities at home for spending their life time. But THEY SPENT MUCH MONEY, almost  or more than 1 Billion every single pesta. I would say “Gw enggak habis pikir!”  

Behind me, many buffaloes dead..

But, finally Pak Stefanus said that for most torajan thought that pesta more important  than education and for them only pesta that other people can see their selves. ckckck.. Well, I understood now, even though on my mind still has a big question mark! haha.. Alright, different people have different perspective and mind right? Even though I don’t have the same think with them but sometime I’m proud of them because they always save and continue their ancestor’s inheritances, because it would make the tourist come to Toraja and will give income for the government and local people as well. Because tourist (international and domestic) would see the traditional event, either funeral or other event that these are unique for them and they never find it in the other places..

Well, I would say! Anything happen I would stay for next five days here. Wish everything is going well and I can get the data easily. Alright, see u on my other journey..:)

Tongkonan House, 05.55pm
Rante Uma, Sapan – North Toraja, July 8, 2011

 Toraja funeral..


  1. asiknyaaa km yah kalo mo ke Palu...aku tungguuu loo...:D

  2. hehe, you would see 'pesta' when you come to toraja dear..:)

    i think its really impossible to visit u..I have many things to do in makassar, im going to makassar on july 23,and my flight to jakarta 29, i just finished my fieldwork today,but still many things to do after fieldword. ill go to the government offices tomorrow,to get secondary so sorry dear, i cant meet to in this ocasion,but i promise u,ill come to palu to see u..:)


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