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The Most Outstanding Student Competition - MAPRES FMIPA UI 2010

I spent my long time in front of my laptop.. 
I didnt sleep enough..
I spent a lot of money (other series, cause I had to go to the Field works by Airplane T-T)..
I cried and spent much tears..
I prayed hard..
I got it.. The Runner up of the Most Outstanding Student FMIPA UI 2010

It paid you back..Trust me, eh no, dont trust me, trust ALLAH SWT..
Everything  your dream, just write down it..And ALLAH SWT will give it for you..

Yes,  The Most Outstanding Student Competition - MAPRES FMIPA UI 2010
Its actually the competition at my faculty for selecting the best - the most outstanding student. The competition will be held per year. So, if u interested in the competition, please prepare from now..

Well, im gonna share a bit my competition experience, hopefully it can help you to imagine how is the competition, but you can contact me if you need share, just feel free..
Yes, to be honest. I had a big dream on my college life to join with the competition since 2008, Yap, when I was first year at college. You know why? Maybe some of FMIPA UI student know about Berliana Dewirani (MAPRES MIPA 2008 from pharmacy dept.) I found the Poster..

2. ******
(Im sorry, i forget their name..)

Oh My GOD, they must be the best, they must be active, they must be smart..could I??
I just planned, I planned to join with the competition. But at this time I didnt do anything, just wrote down my big dream, and nothing, even though its really closed with my mind.hahaha..*Just thinking but nothing :p

Until, I met Ka Lili, she is the Third the most outstanding student - MAPRES MIPA 2009 from Biology Dept. She knew me because we had time at MII before..
I met het at PoKus (Pondok Kukusan) - its pretty famous place for eating at Kukusan Kelurahan. I always eat at this place when Im in Depok.

Yeah, I asked her how to join? I told that Im interented in the competition. And we talked over at this time. When I came back home, I thought about this competition again. Come on Fik! U can! I talked to my self.. =)

Well, February 2010 of course I decided to join with the competition. I told to my lecture (Pak Rohmat) for me he is very good and kind lecture, always helpful, and we can share about everything not only about classes. I came to his office, fortunately I has some project from him, I was doing his project at this time, thats why I was really closed for a while and always asking him everything I needed for my Paper (Karya Tulis Ilmiah)..


Actually, the competition score divided by 3 parts..There are :
1. 40 % = Paper - 'Karya Tulis Ilmiah' (25% paper content, 15% paper presentation)
2. 30% = CV - Curriculum Vitae (Extracurricular Activities)
3. 30% = English Oral Presentation

Ill share about above, first abut Paper - Karya Tulis Ilmiah. You have to choose one topic related to your background major. But its not really strict if you as a science student but you wanna write about social,its not the problems but I suggest you to choose one topic that you really understand deeply. Because you have to write down the paper and present the paper in front of the honorable panelist,haha..Im serious, and it a bit dangerous T-T
Well..At the moment I decided to choose the topic about "Remote Sensing", Mr. Rohmat gave me an idea. He said, "Fik, I think that much better you choose the current issue related to the remote sensing, such as the oil phenomenon in Celah Timor"

It was good enough, chose it and started to find out some journal, imagery, references, book, and other things that I needed. Oh my Goodness Mr. Rohmat was in Jambi at this time, I couldnt discuss much T-T I tried to find out by my self and I got some help from my senior as well. Actually my paper was talking about application of remote sensing technology. The title is Application of Remote Sensing Technology to Detect Oil Spill Phenomenon, Case Study : Celah Timor Oil Spill 

This actually my abstract :

Satellite and aerial images showing the massive oil spill in the Timor Sea off  Western Australia that resulted from a well blowout during drilling operations. On August 21st , 2009, a well on the Montara offshore oil platform blew out as a new well was being drilled on the platform by the West Atlas mobile drilling rig. The rig and platform were immediately evacuated as oil, natural gas, and natural gas condensate spewed into the ocean from the uncontrolled well. This spill is expected to continue for at least seven to eight weeks, the time it will take to bring another rig into the area and drill a "relief well" that intercepts the damaged well several thousand feet below the seafloor.
MODIS Terra and Aqua images show the area of oil spill. It can measure and monitoring the large of the oil spill area and can identify of the distribution of oil spill in the ocean. And Remote Sensing is the best choice for beginning the handling of the oil spill phenomenon which accurate, faster, and exactly.
The movement of oil spill has polluted Indonesian ocean and it  made some detriments to the societies who are living around the beach especially the fisherman.

Key Word: oil spill, MODIS Terra-Aqua, pollutant, distribution

So, from now if you interested in the competition just take your idea and show it up..=)

How to present your paper??
What do (dont) you have to do during presenting your paper?..

OH, and for present the paper. To be honest, i was nervous when I was presenting my paper.haha..But, you can do preparation before you present ur paper. You have to control over you topic, main idea about your topic, something related to your topic, dont make the idea become a huge and you cant control it, stay cool, make eye-contact with the panelists and audiences, control your breathe, control your voice and pronounce, good appearance with no to much make up, be clean and good looking with your clothes, my suggestion you can use the skirt for the girls with shirt, trouser and shirt for the guys, iron first.haha..because sometime people forget to do it. Hemm, during the presenting your paper you can move a little bit but please dont too much! You can say "Thanks for your question" before you answer the panelists' question at the A&Q section.Once more, if the panelists dont agree with your answer and they give you suggestion or something like that and you absolutely dont agree with their suggestion, please please dont say "I disagree or I dont agree with you, or I think it is not like u said....", Please..Just say, thanks for you suggestion, Ill check it and make it better. Please, here in Indonesia, we have to more and more polite especially on the presentation section to the panelists. Okay? Yess! GOOD LUCK!!
<<== This picture actually when I was presenting my paper, about March 2010..
Yeah, this also necessary part of the competition, it has 15% point from 100%. This part you have to show up and present you paper, what you write down on your paper, what you did, what the theory that you use, what the reference, and of course what your result and recommendation that you give on your paper? My suggestion is, much much better if you science topic could applied to the social problems such us, my topic about application of RS but the impact of the oil spill related to social economy people especially the fisherman who live around the beach and shoreline right? How to people figure out the problem when the oil spill has effected to the sea water and sea resources such as fish. They couldnt eat the fish because the fish was contaminated by the oil spill. T-T Yeah, and the best solution that I gave on my paper. Actually the RS Application could detect the oil spill first, fast, and accurate using the MODIS TERRA and AQUA. I created how does the oil spill move on the sea? related to the sea water, wind, and temperature. If it doesnt have the RS application people who live at the coast area will not know about the phenomenon so from this we know that the RS application could help people to anticipate and attention that they couldnt eat fish from the sea and use the water for a while until the government notice that the water already clean from the oil spill. But it takes time and cost right? And fisherman couldnt do anything without their job and activities during the government clean up the oil spill. They didnt nothing, it was a problem as well for the people, so the entrepreneurship activities that they can do, the local government had to give the an activity that they can do, and entrepreneurship is good choice I thought.=)

Well, I think now we have to move to the other attention. Yes, How to make a great CV that you can get high score?

CV or Curriculum Vitae for Mapres competition a bit different with CV that you usually make.  It has guidance that you have to follow. Haha, I have an experience that I did the mistake. I didnt know before that I had to follow the guidance, I wrote my CV like my usual Cv that I need. And when I collected and gave my CV to the committee, they gave me back my CV and told me that I had to change my CV based on the guidance. Oh my goodness, it was the deadline that I had to give, well I got the guidance from Wulan's CV, thanks Wulan and I did it one night. Crazy!
Yeah, just wanna share..The score among local, regional, national, and international have different score. International has high score especially if you are a board of the international organization or speaker (beside participant) at the international event or conference. So many column that you have to put the information about you. Please, please you have to be honest for this section, also you have to give them (the committee) the proof that you arent lie and you really did anything that you put and write down on your CV.. Yeah, I think just it, because everybody can write down their CV..Just remind, please ask the committee about the guidance because every year probably different and has changing. =) Again Good Luck!

Lets move to English Oral Presentation..
Yup, 30% point you have to get it actually from this section. English Oral Presentation is actually the presentation about one topic that you have to choose (you do like lottery, you take one but you dont know exactly what the topic that you choose). The duration of the presentation is only 10 Minutes, quite short, and for the Q&A session is depend on the panelists, probably they interested in your presentation ans ask you many question or they dont interested in your presentation and ask you a bit or a couple question. Well, one week before the date of the presentation the committee will give you 15 topics. Not only science topics, but also social, political, culture, people, and some current issues. You have to prepare and practice! Please practice with your friends, "practice makes perfect, and perfect practice makes more perfect",haha..

When I joined, I got 15 topics such as : Global Warming, Public Transportation, Education Policy, Disaster Mitigation, Waste Management, Herbal Medicine, Nuclear for Peace, Economic Crisis, Television Program for Children, etc Im so sorry I dont remember well =(

I got the education policy, they asked me much about "RUU BHP" because at this time nearby that the government decided about RUU BHP..So you have to know more and what the correlation the topic to the real life, current issue, and people..

Again, GOOD LUCK to everybody who wanna join with the competition, and feel free to share your idea, problems, and anything that you need..=)


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