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Long Trip from Jakarta to the U.S

1. Jakarta  (Soetta Int Airport) – Singapore (Changi International Airport) 
Everything was really hurry, just checked out from Jakarta Airport Hotel and checked in at SQ (Singapore Airlines) counter. I remembered that almost the student has first time for going abroad only me and Vita who had abroad before. So, this section was really new for them. I was absolutely understanding with their feeling but it also totally made me a little bit mad at them, haha (just a little bit #excuse, I was mad it wasn’t because of I was busy with this checking but I had problems,haha *sorry). After we made a line in front of the counter and check in for “Truly final destination”  we just gone and heading to immigration. OH MY GOD, I got so many calling from my lovely labilers. They were waiting for me. Well I just tried give Mrs. Fenty info that I really wanted to meet with my besties. Yeaaay, finally I could meet them. Yess Fiza, Adhul, Alfi, Eke, Ami, and Ika, They were there. I surprised  and just wanted to cry, I I didn’t have time to do it.hahaha..We just had a little talk and big hug before heading.  They gave me a beautiful gift. I was really glad. Because at this day (morning) I was really sad and absolutely disappointed (I don’t want to talk about that). 

                  They are my besties, from the left : Alfi, Eke, Ika, Me, Fiza, and Ami
Yess, we just waited for the SQ (FYI : SQ is one of my BIG dream, and it was getting closer, Thanks GOD). Before that Mrs. Fenty gave us briefing about our flight, our Itinerary, and what we have to do and we don’t have to do. 

   Just took some photos after briefing with Ibu Fenty :)

Finally, SQ 967 with 46K seated, I was onboard and heading for Singapore first. I didn’t know exactly what I feel during onboard, I was just happy because it was one of my big dream come true. just 1 hour more  like usual to reach Singapore. SQ was PERFECT, yah just one word for SQ, PERFECT!! Haha. I just landed at Changin international Airport Terminal 3 at 22.20 Singapore time. I don’t want to loose the chance for taking photo inside my dreams airlines,hahaha..

                                     Yess!! SQ!!, one of my dream come true :D

      With SQ cabin crew :)

I just took some photos inside SQ. Yess, at Changi we also had service and facility at RainforestbySats. It was kind a hotel for taking rest. And it was really awesome, it had a good internet access as well. I just internet and did my assignment from Mrs. Fenty and of course waiting for my DL 280.

2. Singapore – Tokyo (Narita Airport) 
We were waiting for our turn in front of the Delta Airline check-in counter, and check in also for the boarding pass Tokyo-Minneapolis, but I couldnt check-in for Des Moines. Because from Minneapolis to Des Moines we will used the Delta domestic destination and from gate domestic as well. So, I had to check-in for Des Moines at St. Paul Airport. 

 Did the creazy things with ny back-up body (Lyla)

The IELSP-ers were waiting for DL 280, everybody looked so tired..

We just took off about 04.40, from Singapore to Tokyo was about 7 hours. DL is one of the US’ big airlines, Yess I loved Delta Airlines as well. It has good service and good food as well (even compare to Middle East Airlines still Nothing!.hahaha). I was doing my assignment meant  continue my assignment from Ibu Fenty. I was doing my assignment, it was talking about my self and kinda essays.  I needed about 7 hours on board to reach Tokyo. I loved when I was onboard on Delta Airline, It was really awesome. Although I felt a lil bit tired..

3. Tokyo (Narita Airport) – Minneapolis (Saint Paul Int Airport)
Just landed at Narita Airport about 01.15 pm and i was really hot. I believed that was winter season in Japan as well. But I didnt know when I was in Tokyo it was really hot and humid? I just had two hours transit in Narita Airport. I looked around Narita Airport, it was really awesome and big airport as well. I took some photos with other ielsp friends and did some crazy thing as well. haha:)

 Pretty awesome in front of the Gate..

The IELSP-ers were waiting for DL 620..Just took some photos..

I was waiting for Delta Airlines DL 620. I got 54A zone 3, Yess I got the window seat. Just took off for DL 620 about 03.10pm and will spend about 12 hours on board. OHhhh It was my longest onboard and I was in the "Different World Time" on The Pacific Ocean. It was really great..:)
I took some photos as well, the shoreline between Japan land and Pacific Ocean. Seriously pretty cool :)

4. Minneapolis – Des Moines (Des Moines Int Airport)
After long distance between Japan - the United State, we finally arrived at Saint Paul International Airport, Minneapolis MN. It was a door to entry the U.S, I mean we had to pass the Immigration Border and as everybody knows that the U.S border is very strict to the Moslem. As Ibu Fenty mentioned before on PDO (Pre Departure Orientation) that we had to pass the Immigration Border or I would get the Secondary Inception (People who get the Secondary Inception, have to follow the Immigration staff and get some more and deep question, especailly the purpose to visit the U.S) . Alhamdulillah, we passed the Immigration border well, only Ali Ibrahim who got the secondary inception. When I came to the costom also I didnt have a problem. All was well :)

 When we were waiting for Ali.

Minneapolis is one of center of Delta Airlines besides Denroit

 Met the hollywood actor Rob Scheinder, hahaha =)

Actually, Saint Paul International Airport is a big airport. We could looking around and had about more than five hours transit at the Airport. Some people  were taking photos, shopping, and just walking.Unfortunately, our flight to Des Moines was delayed and also it was bad snowing, our plane couldnt took off. It had to make the ice melted before and need along time. We just took off about 6pm. 
Wow, it was surprised that the plane was really small. It was the smallest plane that I have gotten  on board..I talked with the ISU lecture during on board, and just arrived Des Moines about 7.30pm..

Yes, Finally arrived the real place we would live for 8 weeks later after more than 24hours on trip and it was the first time on my life that I had 2 days "saturday" hahaha..awesome. Although we had to continue to Ames..
At the Des Moines airport, we didnt do some things more, just met Ms. Xiong (our ISU coordinator and her assistant Jared, and of course Christ Cassucio from IIE).
All of us (the IELSP'ers, Ibu Fenty, Ms.Xiong and her assistant, and Christ)



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