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We were the IELSP Cohort 8 - Iowa State...

Okay, now let me show my IELSP Cohort 8 - Iowa State family..
I lived with them for 2 months during exchange program, obviously we never knew each other before IELSP. We came from the differences of provinces in Indonesia, from Sabang to Merauke, then we made friends, love, and togetherness.. I love u guys, thanks for filled in my heart for 2 months in Iowa.. Hoped can meet you again in the other occasion.. :D

She is Sari Ayu Maghdalena, also known Alien. She was my roommate.  She was biology student at her university. Came from Medan, North Sumatera. Alien was like my daughter. She could not cook, I felt really pity of her when she was hungry. Haha. Then, I always cooked for us then we eating together. I loved to make dinner meals for us, for breakfast we were such 'anak kosan' it was expensive time to take breakfast. We slept over then woke up late. Haha, never 'mandi pagi' as well because of the weather was so COLD just "kucek-kucek' mata, make up, and went to campus.Haha.. 

As a moslem, I always pray for subuh time, then sleep again. Sometime, when I missed my Indonesia colleagues and chatted over like I lost my sleep, because we had different time almost 12-13 hours, then I didnt sleep. Either Alien. Haha..

She definitely loved shopping. I couldnt imagine how much money that she had spent when we were in Chicago. She bough many thing and I just bough 3 pieces of cosmetics.hahaha.. But I loved her.. We always went to somewhere when other students didnt want especially when winter time. Everybody wanted stay at apartment then we just went away. Hahaha..


She is Sri Januarti Syahria, called Ria. Came from Papua yes she came from Manorwari. Ria was just awesome and funny. Sometimes she just laughed but nothing happened. Ria and Dhama were my apartment neighbor. They stayed at 8C and I was 8D. Yes, as neighbor we had to help each other right. Sometimes I came to her room to take rice when I was feeling so hungry and couldnt wait to cook a head. Then sometimes Ria came to my room to take kind of seasoning 'Rokyo' or even sauce. I had several special moment w/ her particularly when we were heading to Dutch family for dinner, we were missing the CyRide (Iowa State bus) then we had to wait for other bus in front of Bassey hall. Nothing to do at that moment, but Ria had 2 cameras, she brought all, then we were just having crazy with her 2 cameras.haha..

Other thing is when I was shopping at the Wall Mart oh i forget Wall Mart or Hypee, I think Wall Mart, yes I would buy some eggs, corn, and tapioca then at that time no-one wanted to go out because everybody has a lot of assignment and project from campus. Then I was just w/ Ria. Hahaha.. Had crazy time w/ cold weather.. :)

The next one is Dhama, She is Dhama Suroyya. Came from Jember. She was the most childish girl in our batch. She told us that she didnt have much time w/ other because of her family always protect her. Then in this program she always tried to interaction w/ other, made a good friend, needed and helped each other, then reduced her childish character and many more. 
I was a vice of leader of this group really took responsible of Dhama's condition as well. Helped her to make her understanding about anything, even more she is older than me but she told that her experiences not much as mine. I just did my best..

I would love to help her. Then I was really proud of Dhama and I truly believed that other student even Ms. Xiong also proud of her when she got the chance to meet the Iowa State University president (Rector of ISU) then shaking hands, taking some photos, uploading on facebook, and then proofed us that she was getting more adult than before she came to the U.S and live together w/ us..

He is Zamzami Zainudin, also known Zami. He is from Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam. He and Acca (Ashar Hamid) stayed at the 8B Apartment. Their apartment always be our base-camp particular when we had the problems that we had to figure out together then their room was good enough as a place to stay. Haha. Yes, Zami was a nice and helpful guy. He was as a coordinator for Saman Dancing as also our dance teacher. He was really expert to find a new dance and never stop to find other. 
But, sometimes he called me only for meals,haha.. Guys came to my apartment only for take some meals. I know thats usual. Yah, when I had good mood I had cooked for Zami and Acca as well. Because they always helped the girls in our no.8 Apartment. Hahaa.. Anyway, Zami was one of us who always update about the news in Indonesia, by streaming in his computer . Haha, I was lazy, so when I wanted to know anything happened in my country just asked him. Thanks Zami..


  1. Fik....FIk......Fik.....

    How are you, I am here...miss your cooking food so much....


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