Last two weeks I was really curious to join a 'simple' competition. Actually I have tried many of competition and quizzes that the winner would get the return economy ticket to reach a country. I was just failed. failed and failed.. But I will never give up until the failures have gotten bored of me and left me. Yes! Thats me! Ill do the whole thing, anything that I can do to pursue my dreams. Back to the 'crazy little' competition, I was failed for SQ or SIA (Singapore Airlines) competition, it was last month. It was a big prize 'return ticket from Jakarta-Singapore-Frankfurt-NYC' Thats crazy right. Even I have been Singapore and Frankfurt, but I never been NYC (I do believe someday I will step of my foot in NYC. Aamiin
Then, last year, i had a fabulous trip plan 'Macau-Hongkong-Shenzhen' but again. Even I had the aircraft ticket and Chinese visa already but. I just canceled that. I had many trouble of my life then with many of consideration i canceled. Ika my friend maybe had so much regret of myself. But i had no choice. It was best choice to cancel my trip plan. So, my HKG (Hongkong) was nothing. I didnt go anywhere. Stayed in Depok and continued my lifetime. Ika was really disappointed of me, but again I did apologize for this worst.
I never be tired to convince Ika that, she would get better and better than only our trip. Alhamdulillah she got a big 'Beijing' with a scholarship as well from Ministry of Education to support her conference program in Beijing last year. Me too.. Even I felt so disappointed of my self, but again and again..
So, I didnt come to HKG..
You know, again I tried to join a competition 'crazy simple stupid' thing that I called 'abroad quiz' haha.. I joined to come Hongkong as well. Hope I can come to HKG this May 2012 as a winner of that quiz.
Yes, hope i can be a winner of that 'abroad quiz'..
the last thing is A u s t r a l i a..
Im still curious to come Australia. Thats crazy great country for me. I just canceled my A380 Emirates Airlines without refund as well w/ the route of AKL (Auckland) to SYD (Sydney) why? that was because I didnt have Australian Visa and I had transit at the Sydney Airport for more than 8 hours. Dear readers, you have to know something IMPORTANT..
Then, last week I just found an abroad quiz that the prize will get return ticket to Sydney and Brisbane. Oh My Goodness, please please give that chance for me. Please God, I really wanna go.. *May the universe pray for me to get that chance.. Aamiinn
That competition from Australian Embassy in Jakarta..
Mau jalan-jalan ke Sydney dan Brisbane? Kamu punya kesempatan untuk terbang gratis ke Australia dengan mengikuti kompetisi ini.
Update - March 30 2012..
The winner of this competition is Dhani Saputera.. Congrats Dhani, and he is actually my junior at IELSP
His comment was :
Dhani Saputra Saya paling suka logat mereka, jujur seksi sekali. Australia hangat sehangat pantai di Goldcoast, Menggemaskan seperti koala, Lincah seperti kanguru dan kokoh sekokoh Opera house di Sydney. G'day!
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NY Times, I never been there. But someday I will. Definitely! |
I never be tired to convince Ika that, she would get better and better than only our trip. Alhamdulillah she got a big 'Beijing' with a scholarship as well from Ministry of Education to support her conference program in Beijing last year. Me too.. Even I felt so disappointed of my self, but again and again..
Sometimes we have to let something go to get something else better...I got New Zealand. I left "Macau-HKG-Shenzhen" and got New Zealand it was such a big chance.I can come to "Macau-HKG-Shenzhen" anytime if I have money, but New Zealand. Thats so far away and more expensive, hard to get its visa as well. Then I thought God was just fair. Left something to get something better.
So, I didnt come to HKG..
You know, again I tried to join a competition 'crazy simple stupid' thing that I called 'abroad quiz' haha.. I joined to come Hongkong as well. Hope I can come to HKG this May 2012 as a winner of that quiz.
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I never been HKG, but sure I will come there pretty soon:)) |
the last thing is A u s t r a l i a..
Im still curious to come Australia. Thats crazy great country for me. I just canceled my A380 Emirates Airlines without refund as well w/ the route of AKL (Auckland) to SYD (Sydney) why? that was because I didnt have Australian Visa and I had transit at the Sydney Airport for more than 8 hours. Dear readers, you have to know something IMPORTANT..
THE MAXIMUM TRANSIT FOR INDONESIA PASSPORT HOLDER, ONLY 8 HOURS!!So, if have a connecting flight to either Jakarta or Bali from Sydney then you dont have Australia Visa, you can transit in Sydney. The Airlines counter will never give you boarding pass or even only check in. Thats BAD.. But thats the reality. Thats the Australia "Good terrible" regulation. In the other side, i was really surprised and thought that Australia's regulation is really great and cool..! But I lost my A380..:(( and had to stay at Auckland Airport a night, change the flight to get our connecting flight to Jakarta, and booked a new expensive Qantas to reach Sydney..:((
Then, last week I just found an abroad quiz that the prize will get return ticket to Sydney and Brisbane. Oh My Goodness, please please give that chance for me. Please God, I really wanna go.. *May the universe pray for me to get that chance.. Aamiinn
That competition from Australian Embassy in Jakarta..
Mau jalan-jalan ke Sydney dan Brisbane? Kamu punya kesempatan untuk terbang gratis ke Australia dengan mengikuti kompetisi ini.
Caranya Mudah:
- Klik “SUKA”/"LIKE" di halaman Facebook kami, dan di Notes ini
- Tuliskan “komentar” tentang apa yang paling kamu sukai dari Australia di Notes ini. (maksimum 200 karakter)
2 tiket Qantas kelas ekonomi (PP) dari Jakarta ke Sydney dan Brisbane, plus wisata dan akomodasi di Kota Brisbane.
Kompetisi ditutup pada 27 Februari 2012
Syarat dan Ketentuan:
- Kompetisi terbuka hanya untuk penggemar (fans) halaman Facebook Kedubes Australia.
- Kompetisi ini tidak berlaku untuk pegawai dan staf Kedutaan Besar Australia atau anggota keluarga mereka.
- Pemenang berusia di bawah 18 tahun harus ditemani oleh orangtua atau pendamping dengan biaya sendiri.
- Kedubes Australia akan mengumumkan pemenang pada Maret 2012 dan menghubungi pemenang lewat Direct Message.
- Pemenang yang tinggal di luar Jakarta diminta untuk membiayai sendiri perjalanannya ke Jakarta dan segala akomodasi selama di Jakarta sebelum melakukan perjalanan ke Australia.
- Tanggal keberangkatan tergantung pada ketersediaan tiket penerbangan.
- Para pemenang harus dapat melakukan perjalanan sebelum 30 Juni 2012.
- Hadiah tidak dapat dialihkan ke orang lain.
- Perjalanan tidak dapat dilakukan antara 5-15 April 2012 karena libur Paskah di Australia.
- Para pemenang harus memenuhi persyaratan untuk memperoleh visa turis Australia. Untuk rinciannya, silakan buka
Can you imagine I was just like. Oh Man. I would join of course. I have to..!!
I was thinking because thats only 200 characters (NOT WORDS) right? How can I tell my interest only 200 characters??
Then, at the end. I just wrote.. V i t a m i n A
This my comment :
Australia = Vitamin A, A u/ kata Australia. Regulasi Australia bagi saya adalah vitamin A, karena dari negara inilah saya belajar melihat negara lain, layaknya Vitamin A yg membantu pembentukan penglihatan manusia menjadi lebih baik.
Then..I just pray that Im the winner of this competition. Vitamin A please bring me to A u s t r a l i a..
I hope I hope.. May the universe pray for me as well.. Australia for May 2012.. Aamiin ya Rabb.. Aamiin ya Allah.. :)))
Update - March 30 2012..
The winner of this competition is Dhani Saputera.. Congrats Dhani, and he is actually my junior at IELSP
His comment was :
Dhani Saputra Saya paling suka logat mereka, jujur seksi sekali. Australia hangat sehangat pantai di Goldcoast, Menggemaskan seperti koala, Lincah seperti kanguru dan kokoh sekokoh Opera house di Sydney. G'day!
February 3 at 8:40pm · ·

hi mbak fikri saya dhani saputra. wah postingan ini bikin saya makin bersyukur. hehehe. keep semangat ya...
ReplyDeleteIyah Dhani, I have met you at IELSP PDO right?hehe,alhamdulillah,jadi kamu kapan berangkatnya Dhani?Sukses terus yaah. Sekali lagi selamat yah Dhan :)