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Leaving on a Jet Plane ~ my own version

Anyway, I dont wanna sat that every single time that u have spent with someone who really appreciated u most and you dont need to leave him(her), but see your self. Is there any thing that u will be with him (alright, because im woman, so i will take a point of viewed by woman. Yes, is there any chance for you to spend your whole time with him? is there any 'love' between you and him? is there any space in the world that u and him probably exist? I would say that love will come at the right time, right? But, if you have spent so many times but u never reached him, is the world fair? I think so..

I would say that if I really love someone, I will be glad if he feels glad as well even though he feels glad is not with me. But, if i must leave him only for his happiness, ill do it. Its hard definitely but its totally sacrifices. Yeay sometimes we need show our sacrifices for someone whom we really loved. Haha, Its too hard, but, because if your love, right? Yess, or Ill definitely tell him that I have nothing (even there is so big thing in my heart)..

Im leaving on a jet plane,


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